
Cornerstone Valley believes that every member of our team is vital to our mission; helping individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities thrive in Community.

Cornerstone acknowledges the mission-critical role of our direct care staff in caring for our individuals. We believe in rewarding the dedication and hard work of our direct care staff by providing opportunities for professional growth and advancement. We are pleased to note that several members of our management team previously served as direct care staff.


Blake Houser

House: Cedar


Brianna Hickman

House: Douglas


Nicole Scaplehorn

House: Cypress


Nik Crocker

House: Maple


Rose Bernal

House: Hemlock


Eli Green

House: Juniper 


Makenzie White 

House: Ponderosa


Tina Barghini

House: Willow


Caleb Hawk

House: Aspen


Deidre Anderson

House: Sequoia



Executive Director

Wynter Yancey


Wynter’s career in social work began at a 24-hour provider agency, where she worked for five years and held a variety of positions. She then served as a County case manager for four years, and an adult and child foster care licensor for two years before coming to Cornerstone Valley. Wynter has worked with the ID/DD population in a variety of settings, including their place of employment, community integration, and their personal homes. She has provided direct care and participated in individualized outings. Wynter joined Cornerstone Valley in 2019 as our Services Director, which morphed into her current role as Executive Director.

“Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have.”
—Jim Rohn

Human Resources Generalist

Megan Nelson


Megan Nelson is the Human Resources Generalist with Cornerstone Valley and oversees the Deschutes county area. She is looking forward to the growth that is up and coming for Deschutes county and is eager to provide her expertise and care. Megan started with Cornerstone Valley in December 2021 as a volunteer and has since grown with the company. She brings many new ideas, dedication, as well as the responsibility, compassion, and integrity needed in this position. Megan spends most of her time in the office, but it is the care and support of the clients, and staff that she is passionate about. When Megan is not working, she enjoys spending time with her family, and taking her son on new adventures!

“Just stay on track and never look back.” -Dolly Parton

                             Accounting Director 

           Carl Martin



Carl grew up in eastern Oregon in a rural farming community and, when not in school, loved to spend his time hunting, fishing, and playing sports – his favorite being golf. After serving in the Marine Corps and then going to school, he went to work for a local contractor in Corvallis as a bookkeeper and office manager, he’s worked in the accounting feild ever since. What most attracted him to Cornerstone Valley is the service provided to individuals who need that extra bit of help.

He enjoys volunteering at his church and the VFW where he can serve his community by providing assistance to those living and working in it. Carl enjoys hiking, biking and camping. He is always in search of that little out of the way place that may not even appear on a map.


“When you come to a fork in the road, take it” – Yogi Berra


 Operations Manager

Omari land

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Omari Land Is our Operations Manager. Omari is from Oakland California, and started is journey with us back in December of 2017 as a BSP. Since then, Omari has graduated from Western Oregon University in 2022 with a B.S in business accounting, while also receiving several high honors during his football career at the university as well. Now Omari takes care of logistics and day to day operations of the company, making sure everything set up and in check. Omari plans to continue to work as operations manager, while also being an assistant coach for Western Oregon University’s football team. 

“I stayed with Cvi throughout my collegiate career thanks to the support they gave me. Now I am focused on giving back to the organization and people that helped me pave a way for my future.”  -Omari Land

Regional Manager

Sara Cole



Sara earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology at the University of Oregon in 2012.
Sara’s prior background was in Hospice Care and worked as support staff for elderly adults with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Sara joined Cornerstone Valley in 2018 and helped our younger individuals engage in the community by visiting the local library, fire station and attending community events such as Movies in the Park. In 2020, she stepped into the role of House Manager for our youth facility, Willow Home. Sarah has recently transitioned into the role of Behavior Support Professional.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” —Martin Luther King Jr.


                          Behavior Professional  

          Blayne Burnett

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Blayne Burnett was raised in Eugene OR. He has spent most of his life exploring sports and finding a thing for them from a very young age. “Sports were my life growing up and throughout school, leading me to Western Oregon University where I finished my football career”. Throughout his life he has always been drawn to helping people, and once he entered this field after his freshman year of college, he never looked back.  These opportunities lead to Blayne changing his degree so he could focus on Psychology and Social Sciences with the intent to further his knowledge in the field. All of these awesome events have lead Blayne to his current position on the team as a Behavior Professional. “Cornerstone has given me the opportunity to grow and find my own path in life and I am forever grateful for that.”
“Never apologize for being real, that’s like apologizing for being real” – Lil Wayne

Behavior Professional

Braden Fuszek


Braden Fuszek is an Interim Behavior Professional. He has spent the last four years working towards his bachelor’s degree in psychology, as well as playing football at Western Oregon University! While in school Braden was also working as a DSP for three years in numerous homes at Cornerstone Valley. He also stepped in as a House Manager temporarily for a few months! Braden has resided in the Monmouth/Independence area for most of his life and has been highly involved with youth sports programs as a coach and referee, he has also coached at the high school level. In Braden’s free time he enjoys fly fishing, weightlifting, golfing, going to concerts/festivals, and traveling.



“To appreciate the sun, you gotta know what rain is.” – J. Cole






Nick Smith

Nick worked at a 24-hour ID/DD agency while pursuing his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Business at Western Oregon University. Nick spent four years working as a Direct Support Professional and became a strong advocate for the individuals in his care, ensuring they had access to education, signing them up for Special Olympics, securing employment and expanding opportunities for self-employment. Nick spent an additional year working as a house manager, then became a Polk County caseworker for ID/DD individuals. In his final year as a caseworker, Nick guided families through the eligibility process to receive county and state Developmental Disability Services. After earning his MBA from Corban University, Nick and his wife, Carly, started Cornerstone Valley  in 2013. Nick has volunteered at Special Olympics for basketball and track & field, has served Thanksgiving meals to the homeless, and organized events for inner city children at low-income schools. Nick also serves on the leadership team of his church.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service to others.” —Mahatma Ghandi


Carly Smith

Before college, Carly worked as a CNA at Kittias Valley Community Hospital. She then became a Direct Support Professional for four years while earning her degree in Community Health from Western Oregon University. Carly assisted individuals in their homes and worked in vocational and other day programs that taught life skills to adults with ID/DD. She supported individuals with extensive medical needs and a range of mental and behavioral health challenges. Carly became a certified trainer for First Aid, CPR and other health safety courses, and trained employees working in the ID/DD field. Carly Carly co-founded Cornerstone Valley with her husband, Nick, in 2013. Carly served as Associate Director, where she recruited and hired employees, managed employee benefits and shaped workplace culture. She also ensured Cornerstone maintained federal, state and field-specific compliance. Carly simultaneously served as Cornerstone’s in-house certified Behavior Support Professional for the first four years, and became an OIS (Oregon Intervention System) Instructor, advocating for positive behavior support to those with developmental disabilities. During her time at Cornerstone, Carly has inspired staff to be passionate, creative and invested in the care they provide. With Cornerstone’s growth and many capable staff on our team, Carly has recently stepped away from her active role and enjoys the position of prayer warrior and cheerleader for this team that she describes as, “truly selfless and dedicated.”